Trying to cut through all the noise we look at the biggest question in the three months between now and election day: “but seriously, does Donald Trump have a shot in hell at becoming President?” We break down where Trump’s support (or lack of) is coming from, why some people associate his name with success,…
Tag: 2016
5 Reasons Elizabeth Warren Will NOT Be Hillary’s VP…
The shortlist is out. Apparently, Hillary has narrowed her search down to Julian Castro, Tim Kaine, and Elizabeth Warren. Although I’m little disappointed that Al Franken is out of the running, either Kaine or Castro would be a solid pick. [Though I wonder why she went with Virginia senator Tim Kaine over the other Virginia…
Episode 21–Is Bernie the New Ron Paul, Perot, Nader, Buchanan, or a Political Poet?
It’s our first “Bernie only” episode and we wonder if he’ll be the next Ron Paul, Ralph Nader, Ross Perot, etc. (lots of R-named ego-independents) and if there’s a link between mortality-fears and running for president. [Original title of episode “Save Us From Old Men Promising Revolution.”] Also discussed is if Bernie is a “political…
Larger Editorial: Conservative Never Trump is Dead, Long Live Liberal Never Trump
The conservative version of The Never Trump Movement is dead. But that does not mean the Never Trump Movement itself is dead. The sad truth of the Never Trump movement is that it came paradoxically too late and too early. It arrived at the exact time it was too late to beat Trump in the Republican…
The Southeast is Actually the MOST Important Area for Democrats
For months we’ve seen Bernie and his even worse traveling circus of goons—i.e. surrogates—basically write-off the Southeast and laugh dismissively about Hillary’s wins there. They might say different variations of things like “Well, it doesn’t matter if Hillary won ‘Bamasippi’ as she’ll never win those states in November.” They might even mock the “ignorance” of…
Episode 16–Why Do People Hate Hillary?
It’s our shortest podcast in weeks, yet the theme is something that could be a ten-part miniseries: Why do people hate Hillary Clinton? We try to get to the bottom of it and also take time out to “investigate” non-scandals like Benghazi, White Water, and the obvious set-up of Monica keeping that stained-dress. Then we finish…
Yes, Hillary is STILL the Best General Election Candidate. Here’s Why…
One of the more curious (i.e. annoying) aspects of this election cycle has been for people to do something called “selective fact enforcement.” Meaning they only pay attention to information they like and outright ignore information they don’t. Which is why I’m still hearing that “Bernie’s gonna win this thing!” and “We’re gonna be laughing all the…
Does Chris Christie Endorsement Really Matter? It Just Might…
By now, Rubio has collected more political endorsements than The Godfather who carried around politicians “like so many nickels and dimes in your pocket.” He’s had damn-near every big name Republican politician of past (Romney) present (Nikki Haley) and waaay past (Bob Dole). So people might look at Christie’s endorsement and think “who cares? Rubio…
Just Where Does John Kasich Actually Plan to Compete?
I keep seeing recent stories that the GOP is strongly trying to push John Kasich off a cliff–I mean, give him a nudge to drop out of the race. They keep saying “It’s Rubio’s world and you’re just living it.” Now I disspelled that notion yesterday as I don’t think most Kasich voters are necessarily…
It’s Not Kasich or Bush That’s Holding Rubio Back, It’s TED CRUZ
The biggest problem in forecasting races is that political pundits think voters are paying attention to the same things they are. They assume an electorate is more focused on individual issues or any real issues than individual (physical) traits or personalities. They leave out the “science” that voters gravitate towards candidates that remind them of themselves, regardless…
Is Thinking Black Leaders are Sell-Outs the Ultimate White Privilege?
In episode 9 of “A Year Long Conversation” we dissect the divisions in the progressive movement between age, gender, and particularly race. Because there’s a weird phenomenon out there: young, white progressives who have had relatively good lives seem to think that even black leaders are now part of “The Machine.” They seem to view themselves as more…
Episode 9–Is There a Racial and Gender Divide Among Progressives?
In one of our best episodes so far we get to the big questions: If Cruz and Rubio speak any more Spanish at the debates, will Trump build a wall around the stage? Will the mutual hatred between he and Jeb lead Trump to threaten to deport Columba Bush? And then our main topic: Is…
Why Bernie Can’t Beat ANY of the Five GOP Potential Nominees
I know, I know, Bernie’s fans won’t believe a word I say about him or his electability chances, but I’m hoping against hope that I can convince at least some people before it’s too late. Realistically, there are five GOP candidates who could be the nominee (sorry Ben Carson). When you really start to crunch…