It’s our first “Bernie only” episode and we wonder if he’ll be the next Ron Paul, Ralph Nader, Ross Perot, etc. (lots of R-named ego-independents) and if there’s a link between mortality-fears and running for president. [Original title of episode “Save Us From Old Men Promising Revolution.”] Also discussed is if Bernie is a “political poet” from a time–late 60’s to early 90’s–when Democrats were so far out of power they didn’t have to worry about compromising their values. And as an added bonus Alabama Liberal traces the link from the hipsters to the yuppies to the hippies all the way to the flappers of the Gilded Age to show there’s always been a liberal contingent of youth that conservative America can’t stand, and we examine stuff Bernie is right about, but also his deeply suspicious, self-defeating attitude towards any private business, and the irony that his “Working Class Revolution” is not for those actually working, favoring students and retirees instead…

Bernie needs to call it a day.
Bernie must go !
Bernie is not even a Democrat. Get out spoiler!