With a recession started and an-already struggling retail sector getting hit the hardest Alabama Liberal gives his best guess as to what the future of retail looks like: celebrity stores one day turning into full celebrity malls and “experience driven” retail.
Category: Wednesday
UBI Part 2–The End of Work and Money? Good
SUBSCRIBE If Universal Basic Income is the end of work (and possibly money)…wouldn’t that be a good thing? Alabama Liberal pokes holes in the myth of “the Dignity of Work.”
Part 1–Is Universal Basic Income the Moviepass of Political Ideas?
Alabama Liberal investigates something that seems a little too good to be true: Universal Basic Income (or a Freedom Dividend), and remembers that anytime the math seems suspiciously abstract on something (from Trickle Down Economics to Moviepass), it usually is.
Sorry Rich Guys, I Can’t Vote for You
Alabama Liberal explains why he’s skeptical on Tom Steyer and especially Michael Bloomberg, who seems to think the human train wreck that is Donald Trump and a 2% wealth tax are equally awful.
Jordan Peterson Got Big Because Men Have No Role Models
In this thorough takedown, Alabama Liberal talks about the void for modern men’s role models and what’s driving millennial male anxiety, and how Jordan Peterson dusted off some very dated ideas to fill it. In this wide ranging video, AL explains how the anti-hero media culture and prosperity preaching gave rise to Trump; why (most)…
300 @ 30–Episode 29: Journaling, Not Just For Pre-Teens
AL talks about why you should keep a journal to track your “Quiet Calories,” exercise, TV watching/eating habits, and also your moods to see how it’s all connected to food.
Introducing: “Ask Me Anything” Feature
Alabama Liberal wants you to ask him a question about literally anything…
300 at 30: Episode 28–A Real Aversion
I explain the ONLY method to lose weight that’s ever worked: how to get you to HATE eating foods that are bad for you using some unique aversion therapy.
The Pay Gap is Bad…For Men
In a seemingly controversial video, AL hopes people will hear him out in taking the macroeconomic view that The Pay Gap feeds into income inequality and less money in the overall economy. [Line: “If men were the only ones with money, the only companies that’d be in business would be Chili’s and Reebok stores.”] Plus,…
What is Pretty Privilege?
AL wonders why we don’t hear more about pretty privilege, and wonders if it’s really worse to be desired by gross people than to be gross and undesired.
How Social Media (and Reality Shows) Re-wired Millennials
I explain how reality shows and especially social media changed millennials, turning us into our own hype men/women and making us crave acceptance or fame by creating a version of high school that never really ends.
Millennials Don’t Suck (OR Why Millennials Aren’t Spoiled)
I explain why millennial-hatred is no different than how baby boomers were hated by the greatest generation, and how we might eventually hate the next generation’s habits. Then, I coin the phrase “The Degeneration Generation” to explain how millennials are actually less wealthy, less educated, underpaid, and not expected to live as long as their…
“Movie Pass” is the Best Thing Since Ribbed Condoms
This video is about Movie Pass, which Alabama Liberal claims has already saved him $1,000.