Many of our horrible, conservative Supreme Court Justices have been complaining about “Judicial Bullying.” Samuel Alito certainly didn’t like it when his Godawful decision to reverse Roe (and the ridiculous “legal precedents” he cited to justify it) was revealed to the public before it was “time.” Likewise, Brett Kavanaugh sure didn’t seem to enjoy being…
Today’s SCOTUS Doesn’t Reflect America. Why that’s a Huge Problem
Most rational people: “Today’s SCOTUS is not even remotely reflective of the United States of America, is that a problem?” Conservative white male Heritage Foundation Horde: “Not at all!” But, of course, it is… To be honest, I don’t see that many people other than fanatical conservatives who really pay attention to judge races. However,…
Senate Republicans Only Rammed Through “Handmaid’s Tale” Because They Know They’re Going to Lose
“Will ‘Handmaid’s Tale’ getting rammed through the SCOTUS be bad for Republican Senators?” …Oh yes… Conservative voters have already gotten the thing they most want—so it de-incentivizes them to vote (especially if they happen to live in one of those Georgia/Texas districts with 10 hour wait times). And especially if they know Trump is going…
Choosing Merrick Garland is a Brilliant Move on Obama’s Part
In the face of historically bull-headed Republican opposition, President Obama had one of two ways he could go: one was choosing the furthest, wackadoodle leftist judge you could ever imagine since he has no hope of getting any justice confirmed. It would be a triumphiant bone thrown to the restless base, but would really not…
Episode 8–How Will Scalia’s Death Affect 2016? Should Liberals Celebrate?
In episode 8 of “A Year Long Conversation” we go through all the big stories that happened in only a week since we talked to you last: Bernie proves that white people really do like him in New Hampshire, Carly Fiorina and Chris Christie go back to just privately hating Hillary Clinton, the Valentine’s Day GOP debate…
Why Obama Should NOT Go for the Recess Appointment
Quick legal summary: When there is a vacancy on The Supreme Court, the President gets the power to nominate a replacement. If they filibuster his nominee, it doesn’t get through, and he could technically not fill that vacancy even if they filibuster all his nominees for years. [Although so far a nominee has never been filibustered.] However, if congress is in…