Alabama Liberal examines the ass-backwards logic that Democrats want Bill (one of only 2 good Presidents in the last 50 years) and Hillary (the first woman elected to the American Presidency) to disappear while making Lewinsky as visible as possible.
Tag: Lewinsky
With Lewinsky, #MeToo Movement Drifts Further Into Infantilization
I’m not sure there’s a woman alive I feel less sorry for than Monica Lewinsky. And before you start in that I’m slut-shaming her, keep in mind that I fully respected her decision to sleep with the President…until she didn’t, retroactively slut-shaming herself after listening to the rightwing’s and some women’s insistence for two decades that she…
Why Can’t We Let Lewinsky Go?
A few days ago, a new podcast episode all about the differences between Republican sex scandals and Democratic sex scandals was posted. The discussion included the curious, paradoxical double-standard that the social conservatives (Republicans) were actually more likely to forgive a sex scandal than the socially liberal, anything-goes Democrats. Listed were examples of powerful Republicans who made…
Episode 18–Are Republicans More Accepting of Sex Scandals than Democrats?
The second part of our trilogy looks at a new record of topics: Will Bernie die before he quits? Will the media need a fainting couch when Trump becomes the nominee or keep insisting it’s not happening? How does Hillary’s good news always get spun into bad news? Will Trump pick another 80’s relic (Mr….