And the Razzie goes to… Katie Britt! …I haven’t seen such an untalented alum from the Karen School of Acting since the last viral cellphone video of a white woman wrongly calling the police on black people that made her mad.
Not sure if anyone reading this had a strong enough stomach to see Senator Katie Britt’s “rebuttal” to President Biden, but that was some of the most uncomfortable acting I’ve ever seen. She had weird smiles at inappropriate moment, Liam Neeson-level intensity that abruptly changed into weather girl cheerfulness, and then soap opera-near crying that would make John Boehner roll his eyes. The overall vibe was like the fake “friendliness” of one of those televangelist wives who practically tries to hypnotize you with their eyes while begging for money.
Worse, she did the whole thing at a bizarrely-staged kitchen table that looked like it was out of a 90’s sitcom set. It’s almost if she thought GOP voters wouldn’t listen to her unless she referenced being a wife and mother every five seconds. And perhaps they wouldn’t listen to her, but isn’t this supposed to be reaching beyond the standard conservative voter they already have? Alabama has already taken enough heat for thinking frozen embryos completely outside a woman’s womb qualify as people–did they really want to double-down on letting the world know we have little use for a woman who isn’t talking about her husband and kids every five seconds?
Of course, you can almost understand why Britt might’ve forgotten she’s an elected representative of the government instead of the most outspoken mom on the PTA because. After all, she’s only been in office a year. Still, even if she’s very new on the job, you have to think even the GOP could’ve put somebody less weird up for that.
But maybe they honestly couldn’t find one who would’ve been better. If they were looking for another Alabama woman to do it, “Governor” Kay Ivey can barely put a sentence together, and would’ve been certainly passed out drunk by that late point in the evening. And most other Trump-approved GOP “young ‘uns” are notoriously unlikable with abysmal nationwide approval ratings, with many also embroiled in the insurrection scandals (J.D. Vance, Josh Hawley). All of that could be said of Alabama’s other disgraced senator, Tommy Tuberville, the only man dumb enough to think blocking military promotions is his ticket to the big time.
Before Britt’s embarrassing State of the Union rebuttal, many Alabamians would’ve considered her the “normal,” non-blemished face of the Alabama GOP. Of course, Britt only proved what’s been obvious for some time: there is no such thing as a respectable face for a political party that thinks female embryos have more rights than the women they eventually grow into.