The pre-debate montage on NBC might as well say “brought to you by WWF” and a “let’s get ready to ruuuuumble!” 6:00–Savannah Guthrie tries to be even blander than usual, while Chuck Todd talks about competing visions of America in a way that makes Trump’s sound worse. I can’t wait to see Trump’s mean tweet…
Tag: ImWithHer
End of the World…Party [A Montage of Trumpocalypse]
A quick montage I put together to prepare you. Hey, the apocalypse may not be so bad, I hear cockroaches taste better than you’d think…
Episode 31–Do Hillary’s Scandals Matter? “The Passion of Hillary”
In this episode, we put Hillary on trial for her various “crimes” and see just how much people really care about Benghazi, “emailgate,” and Hillary’s failure to tip a waitress at brunch. We ponder just what exactly Republicans are hoping to find in Hillary’s emails—like a torrid affair with Joe Biden—and if people really care…
Episode 29–Are the Outsiders Really Elites?
We break-down the strange myth that Donald Trump is an outsider or that 2016 is the Year of The Outsider with mega-wealthy candidates like Carly Fiorina, Ben Carson, and Trump–who collects politicians Vito Corleone-style “like so many pennies in my pocket.” We recap the RNC, the running mate selections for both campaigns, wonder why the…
5 Reasons Elizabeth Warren Will NOT Be Hillary’s VP…
The shortlist is out. Apparently, Hillary has narrowed her search down to Julian Castro, Tim Kaine, and Elizabeth Warren. Although I’m little disappointed that Al Franken is out of the running, either Kaine or Castro would be a solid pick. [Though I wonder why she went with Virginia senator Tim Kaine over the other Virginia…
Episode 21–Is Bernie the New Ron Paul, Perot, Nader, Buchanan, or a Political Poet?
It’s our first “Bernie only” episode and we wonder if he’ll be the next Ron Paul, Ralph Nader, Ross Perot, etc. (lots of R-named ego-independents) and if there’s a link between mortality-fears and running for president. [Original title of episode “Save Us From Old Men Promising Revolution.”] Also discussed is if Bernie is a “political…
Episode 20–What Are the Strategies for the General?
As we like to do with every 5th episode, this one prognosticates the future as we look at Trump and Hillary’s strategies for the general election. [Hint: We think HRC’s campaign manager may have an easier time than Trump’s, unless he pulls more “brilliant” moves like his infamous Taco Bowl picture.] And we also take…
Larger Editorial: Conservative Never Trump is Dead, Long Live Liberal Never Trump
The conservative version of The Never Trump Movement is dead. But that does not mean the Never Trump Movement itself is dead. The sad truth of the Never Trump movement is that it came paradoxically too late and too early. It arrived at the exact time it was too late to beat Trump in the Republican…
Working Class Economist: Grading Each Candidate for Your Wallet
Working class people everywhere might feel like rejoicing since Ted Cruz has withdrawn from the race, but what’s the exact breakdown of each presidential candidate on most working class people’s wallets? John Kasich…The Good: Uhhh, I guess he offers hugs? The Bad: Nothing more expensive than a pregnancy you don’t want, and Kasich’s one-man mission to shut…
Why Can’t We Let Lewinsky Go?
A few days ago, a new podcast episode all about the differences between Republican sex scandals and Democratic sex scandals was posted. The discussion included the curious, paradoxical double-standard that the social conservatives (Republicans) were actually more likely to forgive a sex scandal than the socially liberal, anything-goes Democrats. Listed were examples of powerful Republicans who made…
Democrats Don’t Need a Revolution, Republicans Do
It’ll be one of the great mysteries of the historically-long, never-ending 2016 primary season: “what went wrong with Bernie’s revolution?” Yes, how did the “shocking” defeat of a candidate who was never leading in a single poll happen? Now I have my own theories about that (which I’ll be happy to get into later this…
The Southeast is Actually the MOST Important Area for Democrats
For months we’ve seen Bernie and his even worse traveling circus of goons—i.e. surrogates—basically write-off the Southeast and laugh dismissively about Hillary’s wins there. They might say different variations of things like “Well, it doesn’t matter if Hillary won ‘Bamasippi’ as she’ll never win those states in November.” They might even mock the “ignorance” of…
Episode 16–Why Do People Hate Hillary?
It’s our shortest podcast in weeks, yet the theme is something that could be a ten-part miniseries: Why do people hate Hillary Clinton? We try to get to the bottom of it and also take time out to “investigate” non-scandals like Benghazi, White Water, and the obvious set-up of Monica keeping that stained-dress. Then we finish…