Pop the champagne, pour the tequila, uncork the wine, and celebrate folks! Super Tuesday is over, and now the endless obsessing about it can die down, and a few of the weaker candidates can slowly drift off to die peacefully, not unlike the weakest of the buffalo herd. Although it perhaps says something about the…
Tag: Im With Her
Episode 10–What Type of Strategies and Fans Does Each Candidate Have? Exploring GOP Identity Politics
A very special tenth episode of “A Year Long Conversation” that is a little longer than usual but moves like a bullet-train. We dive deep into: How each candidate’s strategy is shaped by who they are (Ted Cruz’s shady minions, Rubio’s half-hearted endorsements, Trump’s unimaginative strategy of actually winning states). We explore the media’s dead-wrong assertion that…
It’s Not Kasich or Bush That’s Holding Rubio Back, It’s TED CRUZ
The biggest problem in forecasting races is that political pundits think voters are paying attention to the same things they are. They assume an electorate is more focused on individual issues or any real issues than individual (physical) traits or personalities. They leave out the “science” that voters gravitate towards candidates that remind them of themselves, regardless…
Are Republicans Going to Vote For Bernie in Nevada Caucus?
Tomorrow is the Nevada Caucus, and even though South Carolina really means more, the Nevada results will bring a lot of breathless hype from everyone talking about how this “changes the race!” As they’ll now say everytime any state votes, and another good reason that it’s a little crazy that basically the entire month of…
Is Thinking Black Leaders are Sell-Outs the Ultimate White Privilege?
In episode 9 of “A Year Long Conversation” we dissect the divisions in the progressive movement between age, gender, and particularly race. Because there’s a weird phenomenon out there: young, white progressives who have had relatively good lives seem to think that even black leaders are now part of “The Machine.” They seem to view themselves as more…
Episode 9–Is There a Racial and Gender Divide Among Progressives?
In one of our best episodes so far we get to the big questions: If Cruz and Rubio speak any more Spanish at the debates, will Trump build a wall around the stage? Will the mutual hatred between he and Jeb lead Trump to threaten to deport Columba Bush? And then our main topic: Is…
Why Bernie Can’t Beat ANY of the Five GOP Potential Nominees
I know, I know, Bernie’s fans won’t believe a word I say about him or his electability chances, but I’m hoping against hope that I can convince at least some people before it’s too late. Realistically, there are five GOP candidates who could be the nominee (sorry Ben Carson). When you really start to crunch…
Why Obama Should NOT Go for the Recess Appointment
Quick legal summary: When there is a vacancy on The Supreme Court, the President gets the power to nominate a replacement. If they filibuster his nominee, it doesn’t get through, and he could technically not fill that vacancy even if they filibuster all his nominees for years. [Although so far a nominee has never been filibustered.] However, if congress is in…
Does Anton Scalia’s Death Make 2016 Race More Real?
It’s never a great thing to celebrate the passing of the dead, but Supreme Court Justice Anton Scalia wasn’t a great person. In fact, he was a really awful person, and having him on the Supreme Court is the rough equivalent of Justice Fred Phelps. [Or as long-suffering Alabamaians know all too well, Chief Justice…
Why I Hate “The Washington Post”
The short answer to the headline: because their (online) newspaper sucks. I’ll use a technical term and call it “dog shit.” You’ve all heard that in journalism schools right? The Washington Post was once the paper that let Woodward and Bernstein take on President Nixon. They were the most credible source of news in the…
Another Day, Another Dem Debate (But No Dollars)
6:02–It took me a minute to find what channel PBS is. 6:03–It looks like a Bernie crowd, he got slightly more enthusiastic applause than she did. 6:06–Bernie’s opening speech is seemingly endless. He’s talked for several minutes straight. Might wear himself out by the end of this. He talked too long in his New Hampshire…
What if Hillary Actually Wins New Hampshire? The Upside of Fighting Back
Okay, so I don’t think Hillary will actually win New Hampshire, unfortunately. Still, if you look at the poll numbers over the last few days, it does seem like a staggering change of fortune. Roughly a week ago, Bernie had as much as a 30-point lead, and perhaps closer to 35-points. The fact that someone could write…