Choosing “America’s Biggest Assholes” is a daunting task. First, America is not as old as most other countries and there’s not–despite what you may have read about this or that President over the years–really “an American Hitler” or “an American Genghis Khan.” American ruthlessness is usually a more subtle and corporate-infused variety so that it’s sometimes…
Tag: Donald Trump
Episode 44–Why Are We Democrats?
In the last episode before we finally know who the 45th President will be (hint, starts with an H and ends with an illary Clinton), we rally the troops by talking about why we’re Democrats. Burning questions include: seriously, how did two guys from Alabama wind up as Democrats? How will each swing state vote…
Episode 43–The Gender Episode
We dive deep into all things men, women, and everyone in-between in a stand-out episode. Big questions are explored like: Are men and women really different in 2016? Is Trump the epitome of what women like Hillary have always had to fight against? Have women already surpassed men and how will that affect dating, marriage,…
Episode 42–Are Our Elections a Big Business?
Hot on the heels of the 3rd and (mercifully) final debate, we take you inside “the Election Industrial Complex.” We find that Trump is right about our elections being rigged, but—of course—not in the way he means. Why are incumbents more likely to die in office than be defeated? Why does the candidate who spends…
End of the World…Party [A Montage of Trumpocalypse]
A quick montage I put together to prepare you. Hey, the apocalypse may not be so bad, I hear cockroaches taste better than you’d think…
Episode 30–But Seriously, Can Trump Win?
Trying to cut through all the noise we look at the biggest question in the three months between now and election day: “but seriously, does Donald Trump have a shot in hell at becoming President?” We break down where Trump’s support (or lack of) is coming from, why some people associate his name with success,…
Petty Issues: Democratic National Convention Edition
After Tim Kaine gave part of his VP acceptance speech in Spanish, Ann Coulter went furiously to work on her new book “How Tim Kaine Conspired with Hondurans to Ruin America! A Liberal Plot.” Seeing every big name Democrat in the known universe give speeches at the DNC this week seems a little lop-sided with…
Episode 29–Are the Outsiders Really Elites?
We break-down the strange myth that Donald Trump is an outsider or that 2016 is the Year of The Outsider with mega-wealthy candidates like Carly Fiorina, Ben Carson, and Trump–who collects politicians Vito Corleone-style “like so many pennies in my pocket.” We recap the RNC, the running mate selections for both campaigns, wonder why the…
Mike Pence? Really?…Maybe Trump Should’ve Picked Ivanka
“Who’s Trump going to pick?” was the breathless speculation for months. “Will it be a former primary foe like Rubio or Kasich?” “No, no, it’ll be a woman like Joni Ernst, he’s gotta pick a woman.” “Nope, it’ll be someone currently in congress to help get bills passed like Bob Corker or even”–hilariously–“Jeff Sessions.” “Nah,…
Episode 22–Are Social Conservatives Over?
In the first part of our “conservative trilogy” (looking at social, military, and fiscal), we wonder if social conservatives are over or merely in a lull? How does Trump—a twice-divorced “New York Values” foul mouth who can’t quote Bible passages—change social conservativism? Is it a good sign that in only 8 years the social battles…
Sunday’s Sermons: Ted Cruz and Roy Moore Gone in the Same Week, is Social Conservatism in Trouble?
I just can’t seem to wipe the smile off my face these days. It’s not every week that sees Ted Cruz drop out of The White House race amid much controversy and embarrassing moments that might compromise him down the road (although he’s not full-blown finished like Jeb and Rubio). And it’s an even rarer…
Larger Editorial: Conservative Never Trump is Dead, Long Live Liberal Never Trump
The conservative version of The Never Trump Movement is dead. But that does not mean the Never Trump Movement itself is dead. The sad truth of the Never Trump movement is that it came paradoxically too late and too early. It arrived at the exact time it was too late to beat Trump in the Republican…
Episode 17–Are Politically Correct Liberals the New Social Conservatives?
In the first part of a trilogy questioning different aspects of 2016 liberalism, we ask “Are Politically Correct Liberals the New Social Conservatives?” We dive bone-deep into a rival ideology that is–fundamentally–about telling people you’re a good person more than really being a good person, not entirely different from a social conservative that might find…