How do Democrats lose? Alabama Liberal explains how Democrats take a big issue and make it small while Republicans take a small issue and make it big.
Tag: Blue States
Episode 19–Should Red States and Blue States Swap Positions?
In one of our best and most personal podcast episodes yet, we cover a wide range of topics: in the beginning, we dance on Ted Cruz’s (campaign) grave, diss North Carolina’s ridiculous transgender laws, and then move into an examination of red state vs. blue state positions and wonder if they should think about swapping…
Episode 11–What’s the Matter with Alabama? Examining Red States
In our most personal episode to date, Blue in Alabama and Alabama Liberal explore the fundamental question: Why do red states go for policies that aren’t helping them? And we actually answer it. Join us as we explore The Southern Strategy, how Alabama’s political shifts have been a reaction to race, and the direct correlation…