How do Democrats lose? Alabama Liberal explains how Democrats take a big issue and make it small while Republicans take a small issue and make it big.
Tag: Black Lives Matter
Why Are Republicans Acting Like They Didn’t Write the Southern Strategy?
“Donald Trump is a racist!” “Donald Trump is getting support from the Ku Klux Klan!” “Donald Trump is drawing white supremacists becaue of his racially divisive rhetoric!” And that’s just what the Republicans are saying about him. The exact question of how racist Donald Trump is may be the best one of the campaign season….
Is Thinking Black Leaders are Sell-Outs the Ultimate White Privilege?
In episode 9 of “A Year Long Conversation” we dissect the divisions in the progressive movement between age, gender, and particularly race. Because there’s a weird phenomenon out there: young, white progressives who have had relatively good lives seem to think that even black leaders are now part of “The Machine.” They seem to view themselves as more…
Episode 9–Is There a Racial and Gender Divide Among Progressives?
In one of our best episodes so far we get to the big questions: If Cruz and Rubio speak any more Spanish at the debates, will Trump build a wall around the stage? Will the mutual hatred between he and Jeb lead Trump to threaten to deport Columba Bush? And then our main topic: Is…
Episode 7–Is the Drug War Really a Race War?
In the 7th episode of “A Year Long Conversation” we ask the tough questions: was Ben Carson dreaming of cartoons during refusal to take debate stage? Did Rubio-bot malfunction or get his casing wet when he repeated the same thing several times? Did Ted Cruz really have a human sister or was he (as we…
But Seriously, Why Don’t Young Women Support Hillary?
As I just pointed out, the only category of women that Hillary doesn’t do well in is women under the age of 30. Now, I kind-of find this hard to believe since among celebrity women she’s doing terrific with the Amy Schumers, Lena Dunhams, Natalie Portmans, and even Taylor Swifts, and it’s the women roughly in her…