AL explains how choosing Doug Jones over Roy Moore has already created jobs for Alabama, and how North Carolina’s homophobic laws have cost them jobs. Plus, how bigotry now scares away business and makes it harder for red-state based companies to recruit top talent…
Category: The Unpopular Vote
Is the #MeToo Movement a Pawn of Big Business?
I breakdown the mergers of Disney/Fox/Hulu, AT&T/Time Warner, and the disastrous repeal of net neutrality, and how MeToo is unknowingly paving the way for it.
PC Liberals are the New Social Conservatives
AL talks about joining the Alabama Democratic Party of the 90’s to get away from social conservatism, but today’s ultra-PC liberals may have more in common with social conservatives than they think…
Andrew Jackson & Teddy Roosevelt Would HATE Trump
Despite Trump’s idolation, Jackson (an actual boot-strapping populist that actually did have an inauguration crowd to remember) and the anti-trust, pro-conservation Roosevelt would HATE him.
Trump Considered Roy Moore a Rival
Why Trump didn’t REALLY want Roy Moore either–albeit for very different reasons. Did Trump recognize his own narcissism, meglomania, and refusal to take orders in a much more ideologically-credible politician?
Unpopular Vote: No More “Outsider” Presidents
At a time when every celebrity thinks they can be President (The Rock, Oprah, Roseanne, Mark Cuban) AL wonders why voters are drawn to the presidential candidate with the least experience, AND why lack of experience is nowhere near a selling point with corporate America. Plus, why private business’s “skills gap” is largely an illusion…
Did Russia Kill Andrew Breitbart?
Alabama Liberal puts on his tin foil to explore conspiracy theories and invites you to share yours in the comments section! Chief among his wildest theories is that Andrew Breitbart might’ve been murdered to pave the way for the Alt-Right…
Why Steve Bannon and Trump Were Never REALLY Allies…
The falling out between Steve Bannon and Trump came as no surprise to Alabama Liberal, who made this video several weeks before their feud went public…
Unpopular Vote: Roy Moore Has NOT Won Yet
From the voting area of Gulf Shores, Alabama, I explain that Roy Moore has NOT won yet, despite naysayers (and national comedians/pundits) that barely know his name, Doug J-O-N-E-S actually has a 50/50 chance of winning…
Unpopular Vote: Offshoring Jobs Funds Fascism
On the eve of Black Friday, learn how all those “great deals” and foreign-made products are funding fascism…
Unpopular Vote: Traveling Sucks
In his most unpopular opinion yet, Alabama Liberal breaks down how you don’t really like traveling as much as you think you do…
Unpopular Vote: China Should Absorb North Korea
Despite being no fan of Chinese aggression, Alabama Liberal explains how their absorption of North Korea would be best for them, America, North Korea, and even South Korea.
Unpopular Vote: Xi Jinping will be the Downfall of China
From Shanghai during Xi Jinping’s unprecedented power grab, Alabama Liberal explains how Xi Jinping’s cult of personality rule will undermine China’s more successful “faceless fascism” party-rule policy.