It is a common misconception that Obama didn’t try to win over red states or rural areas or the white working class or older white rural voters or people who are 50 miles from a Target or however you’d like to phrase it. In contrast to Trump–who is perfectly fine letting California get consumed by…
Category: The Unpopular Vote
Just Don’t Use Straws
In his latest unpopular vote video, he recruits a 1-year-old climate activist who would like to live and thus asks you to stop using straws…it’s literally the least you could do.
Unpopular Vote: There’s no conspiracy against Tulsi Gabbard but there is one FOR her
AL looks at Gabbard–a socially regressive, unpopular, relatively obscure congresswoman–and her suspiciously strong online support.
Stop Saying Hillary Outspent Trump
This may not be the most relevant thing to talk about two weeks before the Iowa primary, but I just get so infuriated when people say “Well, Hillary raised more money than Trump—so money can’t buy victory.” I absolutely HATE when Republicans keep bringing up that Clinton raised more money than Trump, and I have…
Hunter Biden is NOT Relevant but School Busing IS
Alabama Liberal examines the baffling logic that Biden should be responsible for his kid’s employer, but NOT for essentially thinking that Civil Rights are optional state’s rights, even though schools are more segregated today than they were in the 90’s.
The Clintons Don’t Have to Go Away (But Lewinsky Does)
Alabama Liberal examines the ass-backwards logic that Democrats want Bill (one of only 2 good Presidents in the last 50 years) and Hillary (the first woman elected to the American Presidency) to disappear while making Lewinsky as visible as possible.
EVERYone but Pete, Biden, and Warren Should Drop Out TODAY
Now that Kamala Harris is out, only three candidates have a real chance at being the nominee…so why are 16 still running? AL argues that everyone else NEEDS to drop out today.
Kamala Harris Has a Great Record on Civil Rights–and a Personal Story to Prove It
Throughout Kamala Harris’s campaign, she was plagued by allegations that she has a lousy Civil Rights record–Alabama Liberal tells a personal story to showcase how that’s not true, reveals California’s all-white statewide office holders (which Kamala had to rise the ranks of), and tries to pinpoint the real reason so many Social Justice Warriors were…
Trump Makes Neville Chamberlain Look Like Rambo
AL wonders how Trump has been able to brand himself a tough guy, when he’s really a huge coward, and marvels at how quickly he does Vladimir Putin’s bidding
James Comey is a Useless Phony
AL takes aim at the unbelievably full-of-shit James Comey, who’s positioned himself as a modern-day Superman when he actually 1. Cost Hillary the race, 2. Didn’t say a word about Russia collusion when the CIA was talking about it, 3. Only had a problem with Trump after he was fired, and 4. His firing was…
Edward Snowden is a Fame Whore
On the 5th anniversary of the Snowdean leak, AL explains why Snowden is a weird symbol for privacy, wonders if whistle blowers should have a documentary film their leaks, and why most people don’t care about Snowden’s revelations: our fear is not that people are listening, but that no one is listening. In 2016, we’re…
I No Longer Believe Trump Won the Electoral College
AL makes the case that there’s simply no way Russia can hack nuclear power plants, the stock market, tech companies, the California power grid, water treatment facilities, deep sea cables, etc. and not be able to hack voter machines in Bumblefuck, Pennsylvania.
Democrat’s Biggest Problem is Disloyalty
From throwing adulterers under the bus (Edwards, Spitzer, Clinton) to Bernie’s refusal to join the party to the shameful case of Obama refusing to pardon Don Siegelman–AL draws a common link between seemingly random instances: Democrats don’t show loyalty to each other. He also explains why red state Democrats feel so abandoned, many choose to…